Saturday, May 30, 2020

How do I import contacts from my iMac into JibberJobber

How do I import contacts from my iMac into JibberJobber When you export your contacts from a Mac, it export all of the records to a single vcf (or vcard, aka business card) file.  Mac exports ALL records to one file, whereas a PC would export one contact to one file. Personally, I would use a  vcf to CSV  converter so I can have a csv file that I can edit (in a spreadsheet application). Click here to see what fields and data you might want to edit (in Step 2). If you dont want to edit the data in a spreadsheet, simply go to the JibberJobber import page and select  business card  instead of the default CSV option (in the dropdown). Either file type will import. CSV is just easier to clean and manipulate before the import. If you are having problems opening a CSV (like the template we have on the Import page), do a search to see how to open a CSV from a Mac. (If the vcard import doesnt work please let us know.  We are not a mac shop but our mac users say it works fine :)) How do I import contacts from my iMac into JibberJobber When you export your contacts from a Mac, it export all of the records to a single vcf (or vcard, aka business card) file.  Mac exports ALL records to one file, whereas a PC would export one contact to one file. Personally, I would use a  vcf to CSV  converter so I can have a csv file that I can edit (in a spreadsheet application). Click here to see what fields and data you might want to edit (in Step 2). If you dont want to edit the data in a spreadsheet, simply go to the JibberJobber import page and select  business card  instead of the default CSV option (in the dropdown). Either file type will import. CSV is just easier to clean and manipulate before the import. If you are having problems opening a CSV (like the template we have on the Import page), do a search to see how to open a CSV from a Mac. (If the vcard import doesnt work please let us know.  We are not a mac shop but our mac users say it works fine :)) How do I import contacts from my iMac into JibberJobber When you export your contacts from a Mac, it export all of the records to a single vcf (or vcard, aka business card) file.  Mac exports ALL records to one file, whereas a PC would export one contact to one file. Personally, I would use a  vcf to CSV  converter so I can have a csv file that I can edit (in a spreadsheet application). Click here to see what fields and data you might want to edit (in Step 2). If you dont want to edit the data in a spreadsheet, simply go to the JibberJobber import page and select  business card  instead of the default CSV option (in the dropdown). Either file type will import. CSV is just easier to clean and manipulate before the import. If you are having problems opening a CSV (like the template we have on the Import page), do a search to see how to open a CSV from a Mac. (If the vcard import doesnt work please let us know.  We are not a mac shop but our mac users say it works fine :))

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Top 10 Social Media Tips From Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk - Classy Career Girl

The Top 10 Social Media Tips From Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk Last week, Gary Vaynerchuk spoke at ICON, Infusionsofts annual user conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Gary is the host of #ASKGARYVEE  and is releasing his new book by the same name today! We were lucky enough to score a copy of the book and we are excited to dive in and read his take on leadership, social media and entrepreneurship. If you dont know his story, Gary rebranded his family wine business as Wine Library and established himself as a respected expert.  As the store’s only wine buyer, he sampled every wine that entered the store. Customers depended on Gary for his advice and within a five year time period, Wine Library grew from a $3 million dollar business to a $60 million business. The Top 10 Social Media Tips From Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk 1. Snapchat. Snapchat. Snapchat. The stakes and opportunity is high. Per Gary Vaynerchuk, your hustle on Snapchat now just might pay off for more than usual for those  willing to put in the time and effort. Many people are just settling into Facebook or Twitter, not realizing the world has already embraced other opportunities as well. Garys bet right now is Snapchat. He predicts in about 2 years, everyone will be on it. 2. Dont be so concerned with your transactions, conversions and ROI today. Theres a difference between sales and transactions and branding and marketing. Dont take the easy route. Build your brand instead. The world will evolve. Dont get stuck in a math game. There is too much social innovation going on right now. Staying in one place and one social media platform that might be working OK for you right now is a bad place to be. You will be able to survive every shift in technology if you build a brand not a transaction. Math is commoditized, brand is not. Build a brand, not a transaction. 3. The internet doesnt change you, it just exposes how awesome you are. This advice was given to a man in the audience who was scared to create a social media account for his business. He was afraid of what his friends would think and he didnt want to be too salesy.  I love the simple advice Gary gave of how the internet can actually expose how awesome you are. You dont have to hide. 4. Learn the new social media platforms in parallel with the current ones you are using. You dont have to spend every minute on the new platforms but start learning about them now. At least create an account and check out how other people and businesses are using the platform. You might be surprised. Someone in the audience shared he made $10,000 in a week just on Snapchat. 5. People right now are thinking too short term. Invest your time in building your future. 6. Your desktop traffic is going to be gone soon. Your website needs to be designed on mobile first. Who cares what it looks like on desktop. For the first time ever, Google mobile searches surpassed desktop searches. This is a trend and its not going away. Everything you do online, make sure it looks amazing on mobile first. 7. The past will tell you the future. Its happening in front of you. Shifts are happening. You have to adapt to current market behaviors. Dont stay because you dont want it to go away. Things in the market are happening fast. 8. Overwhelmed with social media?  Just devote more time. Overwhelmed? How many hours a day are you working? Just work more hours per day. Extra time fixes it all. This seems so simple and the answer no one wants to hear, but someone has to say it. Just put more time into it. 9. 95-97% of the content on Periscope is disastrous. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, before you start using Periscope, ask yourself if you can bring value instead of just checking the box. Try to replicate TV. What does well on TV? Sports and information. Too many people  are just wanting to be doing something live because it is fun. You have to be careful with Periscope. We need to teach content and schedule it if you are going to do it. Teach a class every week and bring a ton of value. You will win. Best advice is to give away everything. Youll make more with an advertiser than selling a small product. Brand over transaction. 10. Lose money everyday building your brand so you can invest in your future.   How much value can you bring to your audience? Do this over and over again to build your brand for the future. If you build a brand, you can survive any change in the future social platform or technology innovation that is coming. But most important. The most important takeaway from all of this was that you have to feel great about how you get people in the door. How you make money is more important than how much you make. Well said, Gary Vaynerchuck. Theres a lot of noise online right now and everyone is selling this thing or the other. You dont have to do it like everyone else. Instead, do it how it feels GOOD to you. If it feels slimy and salesy, it probably is.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Plan for a Tech Day when Starting a New Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Plan for a Tech Day when Starting a New Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career How fast can you come up to speed? Of course, we all want to say right away and that we’ll hit the ground running. This is a question and an idea that is asked and expected of everyone coming into an organization. It is incumbent of the management of the company to make it as easy and as fast as possible. Although there are millions of people starting new jobs every day the process for on-boarding employees is ripe for improvement. Figure out a way to make this process smoother and you’ve got yourself a business. How Long Can This Take? I submit it can take  the better part of a day. Any company that can find a way to reduce this time is going to find this is a wise investment. Any employee that can figure out a way to speed their on-boarding process, without skipping the necessary steps, will be ahead of the learning curve. The challenge is … getting these two to work together and simultaneously. Of course, both parties have a vested interest to get it right and get it done fast. Therein lies the rub. It’s going to take time. The wise companies allow employees to complete this paperwork and the other on-boarding steps in phases. Sometimes over the course of a few days. Partially because they may not have all of the information at their fingertips  â€" e.g. SSN’s for dependents, time to have a conversation with significant others about benefits, etc. And, also because they want the people to hit the ground running and to start contributing. Everyone’s Got Skills Of course, everyone brings in some level of expertise in something. Even if that expertise is an ability to crank out the tough scut work that many people know needs to be done, but may be able to avoid doing. No matter what the level of work, it takes time to come up to speed. Something I’ve been putting some time into lately is the thinking behind how to rapidly on-board employees. Again, whether they are full timers or part timers many of the processes and efforts are the same. This is especially true for people coming into the organization as full time equivalent (FTE’s) staffers. Besides the obvious factors of just getting started in the job they’ve been hired to do there is the need to spend time filling out the paperwork as new employees for insurance, non-disclosures, company policies and everything else needed for company, state and federal compliance. This is not to mention the people they need to meet, such as,  their managers, their peers and depending upon where they will be working they may need to get a feel for the physical aspects of the company. What’s more Important? If being asked to make a decision on which is the most important factor for on-boarding employees I think the answers will vary by department and by the employees themselves. Sure, everyone wants to get paid. So, it’s important to get their W-9 signed and submitted right away. However, some documents related to insurance and perhaps 401K’s can wait a few days until you’ve had the time to review the implications. Yet, some documents need to be signed and secured quickly to insure the business and the employee is protected. For example, non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s) and company policy documents should be reviewed, signed and processes before the new hire has access to systems and information. So, which is more important is often a function of the role within the organization. Where do you focus first? Paperwork, People or Processes? Understanding the Sites, Software and Schedules? Developing a rapport within the Team,  Other  Groups and Contractors? There is no wrong answer. However, I submit the time to ramp up and get started is often the better part of a day. Smart companies, managers and employees plan their time accordingly. They encourage new hires to take the time to get the paperwork done so that they can focus on the tasks they were hired to do. Yet, they also encourage the new hires to provide feedback to the on-boarding process. What’s Needed? Whether starting a full time gig or working on short term project there needs to be a quick way to ramp up. So, what’s the relationship here for you to get started at a new company? The faster you can get started the faster you can be productive. Smart managers, organizations and employees can work together to improve the process. The idea is to help the next person on-board quickly and efficiently … and the next one and the next one, etc. As the company continues to grow there should be a constant review of the on-boarding process. The challenge is that as people are with the organization for an extended period of time they start to take many on-boarding steps for granted. This is where the smart organizations are looking to new hires to help review and critique the process. Getting  it Right and Making it Fast This means everything from the new devices phones, laptops, tablets, etc. to the software… the websites for everything, including the aforementioned sites, tools and processes for: Pay Day (the one we care about most) Benefits (the one we care about second most) Vacation Requests (the one some care about 3rd most) And all the internal sites for sharing, caring and baring (your intellectual soul). The best companies make this VERY easy. And they continue to seek ways to improve the process. This is where you come in. Why? Because they want employees to get to work quickly AND hit the ground running. By offering to make yourself into a human guinea pig you are letting the company know you care about the on-boarding and that you care about getting started quickly. It’s a win  â€" win scenario. A win for you and a win for the company. Caveat: Make sure you frame all comments as feedback and suggestions. By being proactive and making yourself available to continuously improve the process for on-boarding employees (including yourself)  you become a valuable asset to your organization and you will Stand Out in Your Career. Sure, there is more to standing out in a career than on-boarding new employees. However, as companies grow they need to keep this process front and center. People can and will make decisions about how long they’ll stay and how strongly they are going to commit to a company based on their on-boarding experience. Looking Towards the Future Is There a Better Way?  Id like to think yes, but until we get the equivalent of Portable Health Records (PHRs) for Business we will just have to keep filling out these forms. Perhaps, as mentioned above, someone reading this will take the time to create a process and perhaps a series of self-defining apps that help on-board employees. If you are doing this, or if you’ve already seen something like this, please share your thoughts in the comments.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Are You a 40 Year-old Social Media Virgin

Are You a 40 Year-old Social Media Virgin I love the 40 Year-old Virgin movie.  Scenes which spring to mind: Chest waxing Speed Dating The scarey driving lady on a date The one I totally love is the “just ask questions” scene… Do you know where I’m going on with this? The premise of the movie is that Andy is 40, and has never “known” anyone in the biblical sense.   He goes through several (what I think are) hilarious scenes of preparing for a date, which leads to him finally getting one. His friends advise him that the best way to get a date is to ask lots of questions to make the woman he is talking to feel special and say “yes”. Tenuous link? This scene gives me the opportunity to: Compare social media to dating (a theme of mine) Talk about why recruiters have the potential to be a virgin at 40 Are you a 40 year old virgin? Is your chest hair so thick that waxing it may be appropriate? Do you simply broadcast? (or worse say nothing at all?) #jobs #’hiring  #silence Do you wear polo tops? ?? Do you ask questions online, ask what other people think, offer content that’s engaging? Only 21% of surfers are job seekers… not all of them are thinking of dating you (connecting with you), so what are you doing to attract their attention? And very important, once they are connections, how are you keeping them engaged? Watch the scene (it always makes me laugh), and look at how he turns a potentially terrifying situation into a date. Think about how your online behaviour impacts on your offline business opportunities â€" and give some thought about how you communicate (not just talk) online.   Sitting behind a keyboard is no excuse for not getting a date. Related: What Social Media Teaches Us About Leadership.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Top Healthcare Resume Writing Services

Top Healthcare Resume Writing ServicesHealthcare resume writing services are becoming increasingly common as companies look for ways to tap into a pool of candidates that is fit for the job. Many companies are opting to hire medical doctors and nurses to fill vacant positions, but they want to be sure that they hire the right people for the job. If you're looking for one of these services, what can you expect from them?First of all, the resume is not going to be exactly like you wrote it in your first class job. It's an entirely different set of skills and experiences. Your resume will have a bit more detail to it than your first job. For example, instead of only listing 'University degree' on your resume, you should list specific degrees in your career.Experience should be on your resume too. This way, your experience is at least somewhat related to the job. You'll have much better chances of getting called for an interview if you mention a few things about your experience, such as the time you were 'assigned to a specific patient,' or some other specific situation that might prove helpful in filling out the resume properly.Your organization is going to be very interested in knowing if you have a good health record. You should have no trouble coming up with reasons why you've had health problems in the past, or why you have health problems today. A good resume can help with this.Volunteer work is also something that should be listed on your resume, along with other volunteer experiences. This shows that you're not lazy, and that you're eager to help out in some way. Not all people will want to volunteer for the same charity, but if you do many different ones, there is a chance that your resume might be noticed.You can also add your education and previous work experience into your resume. Many healthcare professionals don't know how to write their own resumes and will want to hire someone to do this for them. If you have very strong qualifications for the job, the healthcare resume writing services may include them in your resume.The Internet is full of websites that promise real potential employers, but few of them do deliver. Your chances of being hired may not be as good as you think if you're using this kind of service. They are under no obligation to offer you a job, so don't let them pressure you into hiring them to do the writing for you. Always ask for references and check with them before signing anything.The last thing you want to do is to give the company all of your personal information and then not get hired because you didn't put your birth date on your resume. It can be very disconcerting when your potential employer calls and finds that you weren't able to fill out a basic employment form. Be prepared for this.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

133 Adam Azali - Dancer Singer Entertainer - Jane Jackson Career

133 Adam Azali - Dancer Singer Entertainer - Jane Jackson Career Adam Azali Rai started performing at the age of 14 and is highly skilled in multiple dance genres including jazz, Chinese, Indonesian and Bollywood dance styles as well as contemporary dance.Adam has performed extensively as a freelance dancer for years before branching into acting and modeling.Adam Is also a talented singer and in 2011, he released his first music album in Malay called, “I’m Your Entertainer” and, as a song writer too, this album features his own “Ku Masih” which means “I, Still” â€" a semi-autobiographical song about his philosophy on life.In 2016 Adam was a top finalist in Zee TVs Dance Singapore Dance, a dance competition screened over 10 Asian countries. And during our interview, Adam talks about his preparation for the I-Sing 2017 â€" a grueling singing competition in which he is a finalist. He hopes for the chance to represent Singapore in Myanmar this year.I met Adam back in the year 2000 when I lived in Singapore and where I also pursued, as a sideline, my passion for dance. Adam auditioned for a Broadway-style show I choreographed which opened at the Jubilee Hall in Raffles Hotel. During his audition, I was immediately struck by his amazing talent and great personality. He is humble, soft-spoken and exudes quiet confidence and warmth.Over the past 17 years, we’ve remained firm friends and I’m delighted to watch his career take flight!For a career in the creative arts, Adam’s top tips are:Take time to know yourself and what really drives youBe resilient as it’s a tough industryIf you have the passion and the talent, don’t give up!Where to find Adam:Instagram:                       @adamazalirai

Friday, May 8, 2020

How will 14 more weeks Help You

How will 14 more weeks Help You If signed off on by President Obama, job seekers will have their unemployment benefits extended 14 more weeks. Read more about the bill here. Let me ask a question: if you knew your benefits were ending this week or even next week, what would you do? What actions would you take? What would you change or do differently? There isa small feeling of security knowing that there is at least some money coming in the door. It is guaranteed as long as you are playing by the rules. It is buying you time until you can land that good paying job. Well, where is that good paying job? When will it become available? Will it be there this year or maybe next year, or maybe not at all? In my opinion, this extension isprolonging the delay in many workers going back to work. It is giving them the hope that theyll be able to secure another hefty paycheck, or at least a paycheck close to what they were making before. What if those jobs are gone and not coming back or at least not in the quantities necessary? I encourage everyone reading this to consider: Looking for work far outside your preferred radius. That may mean commuting farther, temporarily moving out of town, or relocating. Spending more time looking for employment. The average unemployed person is spending less than 10 hours a week. While I am sure most of you are spending more than 10 hours, could you spend more time? Getting job search help. Either at no-cost, through you local One-Stop or invest in a professional Career Coach. Adjusting your budget and spending habits. Have you really cut as much as you can? Were in a recession, this SHOULD be painful. Do you evaluate each purchase by asking Do I need this or do I want this? Changing what you are doing. If you are using the same resume, the same websites, the same practice of submitting resumes and waiting, the same networking groups, the same of anything, do it differently or do something else instead. Communicating differently. Whatever it is you are saying, it doesnt seem to be working if you are still unemployed. It could also be HOW you are saying it. Change your tone. Taking a job that is less than perfect, if just for now. If the job is at least close to what you can do, consider taking it. What will you learn by doing this? A lot! Starting your own business or becoming a consultant. This is risky. Be smart in how you start it up. Consult this post for more resources. I realize times are hard. I also know that people are getting jobs every day right now. There are jobs! Take one and see how good it feels!